Protective Covid-19 Measures for You to Avoid Getting Affected

In the wake of the strict regulations imposed by the government on various states of India, the initiative to make the places sanitized and disinfectant is also noticed. The government responded in each state by considering deliberate measures like recalling curfew extended to the red zoned areas to try and hold the second wave COVID which has already affected many lives all around the country. 

From the team of CredR, we thought of initiating measures to make you aware of the measures to slow down the spread and keep yourself and others safe. 

*Important Ways*

  • Wear a mask and properly cover your nose and mouth
  • Stay around 6 feet away from people- maintain social distancing 
  • Get the COVID 19 Vaccine that is made available in the market- It’s Safe!
  • Do not go to any crowded places
  • Try to avoid poorly ventilated places 
  • Wash your hands most of the time 
  • Use hand sanitiser or wash your hands with soap and water
  • Monitor your health


  • It is mandatory to wear a mask from two years and older in public places. 
  • If any person in your household is affected by Covid 19 make sure that you get yourself tested.
  • Never wear your mask below your nose or your mouth. It is important to wear it covering your nose and mouth under your chin as well. 
  • Find a good Fit of the mask against the sides of your face, slip the loops over the ears and tie up the strings behind your head tight.
  • If your mask needs constant fixing then try out a different mask. 
  • Make sure that you can breathe properly wearing a mask.
  • Wear your mask and do not touch it if you are traveling in public transport like bus, flight, train or cab.


Inside your home

  • Try and avoid close contact with those who are sick.
  • Maintain as much distance as possible within family members as well.

Outside the house

  • Maintain a distance of around 6 feet between the person who is sick and other household members as well.
  • Do not forget that people are now showing no signs but is Covid positive. 
  • Keeping a safer distance will help you to get fewer chances of becoming sick. 


  • Wash your hands as many times as possible with plain water and soap. 
  • If you sneeze or cough or blow your nose then immediately wash your hands.
  • It is important to wash before you eat, touch your face, use the restroom, leave a public place, blow your nose, cough, sneeze, change baby’s diaper, care for a sick person, touch animals and pets in public places or inside the house. 
  • Avoid touching your eyes, mouth, and nose with unwashed hands.
  • If there is no option of using soap and water use sanitizer that contains 60% of alcohol. Use it all over your hand and rub it together till it feels your hands dry.
  • Do not use sanitizer on your face and body.
  • Never touch your nose and mouth without washing or sanitizing your hand. 


  • Try and avoid being in places like restaurants, bars, fitness centers, movie theatres that put on a higher chance for you to get infected. 
  • Avoid the indoor spaces as fresh air from the outdoors is impossible and the chances of getting infected are higher here. 
  • Distance and fresh air are must to have a safe living. 


  • There are philosophies of vaccines being unsafe. Do not trust it. The vaccines that are provided in India are highly useful and showing positive effects. It will reduce the chances of getting infected at the first go.
  • Authorized Covid 19 vaccine is largely available for you 
  • Once you are fully vaccinated with two dosages you’ll be able to stop yourself from getting infected in this pandemic. 
  • Make sure that after the vaccine you are still maintaining the measures like wearing a mask and maintaining distance. 
  • Vaccination is making your immunity strong. This will help not to get affected quickly. But vaccination is not something that you can just move around freely without a mask in this pandemic. Make this very clear!


  • If you are wearing a mask you can sneeze and cough inside it, but never touch it back. Change the mask immediately. 
  • If you aren’t wearing a mask, cover your sneeze or cough with a tissue. Do not spit on the road or any corner in public places. This spread the disease at an alarming rate. 
  • Immediately wash your hands if you sneeze or cough. Clean it with soap and water and sanitize yourself. 


  • Go for a test if you are having these symptoms of Covid 19. 

> Fever

> Cough

> Shortness of breath 

> Fatigue

> Muscle or body ache

> Sore throat

> Congestion 

> Running nose

> Vomiting or nausea

> Diarrhea 

If any of the above is persistent and making your stay uncomfortable then you should go for a Covid 19 test. 

  • Take your temperature test if any symptom develops. Do not take temperature after exercise or taking shower or taking paracetamol. Be honest and make sure the temperature collected from your end is genuine. The Aarogya Setu App is downloaded on your mobile phone. Test yourself there and check on nearby cases too.  

These are some quick measures that should be part of your daily life to avoid getting affected by COVID 19. Make sure that you are taking care of yourself and others at the same time. As a responsible citizen of India, it is our duty to accurately follow the measures for a healthy and safe stay. 


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