Do you have these 5 best motorcycle protective gear? Travel Tips!

Buying the best motorcycle possible or servicing it multiple times alone is not going to protect you for all the road hazards. The only way to save yourself from anything that could damage your travel will be your protective gear. Here is a list of some must-have motorcycle protective gear that one must try to have it on at all times.


It is a known fact that bike helmets can protect riders from serious brain and skull damages in a road crash. Helmets tops the list of the best motorcycle protective gear as it is made mandatory by many countries throughout the world. Choosing the right kind of helmet gives the correct fit which in turn helps the head and neck during crashes. Both loose fit and tight fit helmets are proven to be unsafe for riders as this can cause a distraction to the driver. Also, the correct size of helmets will give you the edge of a better view with protection.


Many usually avoid wearing hand gloves during their journeys as many finding it disturbing. But gloves apart from giving your hands protection gives you the stability to drive during long travel. This is exactly why gloves are highlighted under the best motorcycle protective gear of all time. The right kind of gloves protect your hand from harsh weather or crashes adding a very compelling layer of protection.


Regardless of your size or weight, a riding jacket is necessary for any long haul journeys. The jackets serve as among the best motorcycle protective gear as unlike any other riding gears, the jackets can give full protection if the full-body jackets are chosen. Apart from protecting the rider from internal and external injuries, the jackets can protect bikers from any type of climatic condition. Current day jacket models come in different variants with added features like waterproof, dustproof, thermal linings, etc. It is general advice to wear bright colours as your jackets, as this also acts as an indicator during your travel both day and night.


This is one among the costliest gears in our list of best motorcycle protective gear as the bodyguards are generally sold at a higher value. But these protectors play a huge role in avoiding any damages during crashes. Body protectors act as a shield providing extra back support during long motorcycle trips. It is also said that body protectors generally act as energy absorbers during crashes preventing any damages to the heart and other vitals.


It is advised to wear comfortable and gripped shoes during travel as they happen to control the balance of driving. Apart from boots being used to save your foot they also help during driving to avoid crashes in the first place. Boots being among the list of the best motorcycle protective gear proves the need to protect your feet. A proper usage boot is said to have thick layers with the extra support needed while making a sudden stop during travel.

Now that you know about the best riding gloves brand, do check out our range of used bikes at

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