Volunteer to Save our Oceans with Effective measures

8th June World Oceans Day is celebrated to create an awareness that we need to protect our oceans. 

As we all know, 70 % of the earth is covered with Ocean. It is our life source that supports humanity, sustains the organisms present on the planet. Providing 50% of the earth’s Oxygen, Ocean is holding the balance and the home of the earth’s significant biodiversity. The Ocean-based industries are employing around 40 million people as per the estimation till 2030. Even though these benefits are there, we need support to make sure that the oceans are protected. With the growth of technology and industries, the pollution rate has increased extensively. 

Around 90% of the big fishes are depleted, and 50 % of the coral reefs are destroyed. So we are taking more from the Ocean that needs to be replenished. For the protection and preservation of the Ocean, all sustainability must be balanced and deeply rooted in understanding humanity and the Ocean related to it. We are connected to Ocean now. What we all need to do is to make an innovative attempt from the lessons we have learned in the past and bring out protective measures. 

Did you know?

  • The oceans produce around 50% of the oxygen on the planet.
  • They are the critical economy providers making 40million people earn their daily livelihood by working in the Ocean-based industries.
  • Oceans absorb around 30% of the carbon dioxide that is produced by humans creating a global impact. 

We can adopt smart lifestyle choices. By staying at home  we can help in protecting & restoring our natural Ocean and future generations.

1: Demand No-Plastic  

The massive production of plastics is a growing threat to the Ocean and the ecosystem inside. As per the statistics, around 17.6 billion pounds of plastics are estimated to leak into the Ocean. In addition, garbage trucks full of plastics are dumped into the Ocean every minute. Thus plastics have never gone away from the lives of marine animals. If we say no to plastics, we can contribute to the marine ecosystem and save ocean conditions.

2: Conserving Water 

Water conservation is a fundamental issue, and we all need to be well informed about it. Using less water and stopping excessive runoff for the water and wastewater will not flow into the Ocean. It can be an effective way to protect the environment, especially the ocean, and make it a decent living for marine life.

3: Reduce Carbon footprint

An essential thing that we all need to invest in is controlling the carbon footprint. Carbon dioxide is also known to be a Greenhouse gas that makes our Ocean more acidic. It affects the loss of corals at the global scale as their calcium skeletons are weakened by the increased percentage of acidity of the water. How can you help in reducing the carbon footprints? Check the below pointers;

  • Use a two-wheeler as a public transport rather than using a bike.
  • Turn off the lights when you are leaving the room. 
  • Wear a sweater instead of turning on a room heater.
  • Enjoy having green vegetables rather than catching and eating marine seafood which is supposedly very yummy. Wild seafood is a renewable resource that needs minimal freshwater and emits less carbon dioxide than land-based proteins like beef.

4: Stop using Ocean harming products

There are many products that we use that are directly threatening the environment and the species. It includes the use of cosmetics that contain squalene, coral jewellery made out from coral or sea turtle shells, souvenir shells like nautiluses, conchs, and other marine animals, and single-use of plastic-like straw, water bottles, and similar other things all end up in the Ocean. In addition, these products are unsustainable fishing which has threatened the critical species and the marine ecosystem at large. Saying no to these can save marine life.

5: Practice ‘catch and release’ of fish 

It is essential as a responsible citizen of Mother Earth to catch and release the fishes to the oceans instead of eating them. Especially in the breeding season, when mother fish release so many eggs, we need to learn and control our hunger. Say no to fishes whose eggs are sold at a higher price for meeting our taste buds. If sitting at home, we can stop consuming these and can somehow protect our marine life.

Volunteer to respect the habitat

Although the pandemic has confined life within four walls, the digital age has brought everything closer to us. Survival and a healthy habitat go hand in hand. Treating our environment with care will have a similar effect. It is critical to participate in beach cleanups as a volunteer. Participating in the protection of your watershed will make you feel safe and happy. Make sure you behave intelligently and decide to join in World Ocean Day by raising awareness and volunteering.

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